Congratulations to Association of Volunteer Centres

Vladimir Putin congratulated the Association of Volunteer Centres, the largest national volunteer organisation, on its fifth anniversary.

The message reads, in part:

“Established in 2014, the Association made a major and impressive contribution to holding the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, accomplishing serious organisational tasks, organising a grandiose sports festival and creating an atmosphere of sincere hospitality and cordiality. The Association convincingly displayed its huge creative and constructive potential.

Over the years, the Association’s noble humanistic ideals have brought together tens of thousands of energetic and dedicated people from various Russian regions, including school and university students, representatives of various age categories, professions and interests. It has inspired them by interesting plans and initiatives. And, of course, the Year of the Volunteer that has ended recently has provided a powerful impulse to the development of the volunteer movement.

It is important that you strive to benefit society and to realise your knowledge, skills and experience in the name of noble and significant deeds. The Association has organised highly popular patriotic, sports, cultural and educational events, and its members have taken part in building facilities of the social, transport and production infrastructure. You effectively assist those in need of care and support.

I would like to note that we must not rest on our laurels, and that it is necessary to strengthen the volunteer movement, enrich the range of its activities and to more actively involve young people in this work.”

President of Russia