Instructions following Council for Development of Physical Culture and Sport meeting

Vladimir Putin approved a list of instructions following the meeting of the Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sport that took place on March 27, 2019.

The Government of the Russian Federation has been tasked with developing and submitting to the State Duma of draft federal laws that provide for improvements to the laws on refereeing in professional and high performance sports, establishing a social deduction on personal income tax equal to the amount paid for rendered health and fitness services by determining the maximum sum of such deduction. Instructions were given to introduce amendments to the laws regarding various prohibitions and restrictions on the activities of bookmakers and imposing a duty on them to be used for targeted allocations for developing mass sports.

In addition, the Government with the participation of the State Duma was instructed to present proposals on improving laws on physical fitness and sports.

The instructions for the Government also involve creating and developing regional centres for training sports reserve athletes; promoting physical activities and sports among elderly citizens; applying the results of scientific research in sports medicine for medical and biological support of athletes on Russian national sports teams; developing and implementing programmes for promoting school and student sports; developing and implementing the Swimming For All programme in all Russia's regions; creating conditions for citizen's involvement in physical activities and sports at the place of their residence, including recreational and park areas; implementing the unified digital platform, Physical Culture and Sport.

The Government has also been tasked with developing and approving the Strategy for the Development of Physical Culture and Sport in the Russian Federation Until 2030; creating at least three centres for the rehabilitation of athletes who are members of Russian national sports teams; taking economically incentivised measures to attract private investment to the sphere of physical fitness and sport.

The instructions for the Government also include providing various grants, systems for additional incentives for athletes, coaches and other specialists involved in training athletes; holding a national contest among universities for the best organisation of physical fitness and sport activities and presenting grants to the winners; holding national winter and summer sports games for amateur athletes; and preparing Russia's bid to host the TAFISA World Sport for All Games in 2024.

The Government, together with the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, have been instructed to organise the annual Crimean marathon on Athlete's Day, starting in 2020, with participating teams chosen by every constituent entity in Russia as well as national physical fitness and sports associations.

A recommendation has been given to the State Duma to update, in collaboration with the Government, the draft federal law that regulates legal relations in the fitness industry and to adopt a corresponding law.

Also, a recommendation has been given to the Russian Olympic Committee to take comprehensive measures to restore the National Athletics Federation's membership in the International Association of Athletics Federations and to provide for the participation of all members of Russia's Olympic team in the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo without restrictions, and to intensify systematic efforts in protecting the rights and interests of Russian athletes in the international sports arena.

President of Russia