Instructions following meetings on economic matters

The President approved a list of instructions issued following the meetings on economic matters held on August 22, 2024.

Instructions for the Government of the Russian Federation include, among other things, setting annual target indicators for 2025–2030 that reflect the share of private housing construction projects carried out under construction contracts using escrow accounts in the total volume of construction of this type of property.

The Government of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Russia have been instructed, in particular, to consider establishing special conditions for resorting to extrajudicial personal bankruptcy procedure by persons who signed a military enlistment contract or are taking part in the special military operation.

In addition to this, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Russia have been instructed to amend laws so as to establish mechanisms for combating the use of social engineering practices to steal funds (referring to situations when people are forced, through threats, deception, or breach of confidence, into taking out retail loans and then transferring the borrowed funds to scammers), with provisions made for introducing a ‘cooling-off period’ between the time when a lender approves an individual loan and the time when an individual actually receives the funds. This must enable individuals to use this period to cancel the loan by using the Unified State and Municipal Services portal, which operates as a single federal state information system.

The Social Fund of Russia and the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Russia have been instructed to ensure that pensioners and families with children receiving social benefits are informed about the option for initiating an extrajudicial personal bankruptcy procedure, also by using the Unified State and Municipal Services portal.

Президент России