Ocean 2024 strategic command-and-staff exercise

Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin took part, via videoconference, in the launch of the active phase of the Ocean 2024 strategic command-and-staff exercise.

Taking part in the videoconference held within the framework of the Ocean 2024 strategic command-and-staff exercise were Defence Minister Andrei Belousov, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Alexander Moiseyev, Commander of the Pacific Fleet Viktor Liina, Commander of the Baltic Fleet Sergei Lipilin, Commander of the Northern Fleet Konstantin Kabantsov, Commander of the Caspian Flotilla Oleg Zverev, and Commander of the Mediterranean Sea Task Force Captain 1st Rank Dmitry Dobrynin.

The Ocean 2024 strategic command-and-staff exercise is one of the man events of the operational and combat training of the Russian Armed Forces in 2024.

The exercise is taking place on September 10 through 16 under the general supervision of Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Alexander Moiseyev.

The objective of the exercise is to review the key elements dealing with the combat readiness of the Navy and Aerospace Forces command and control system and units and to check their cohesion.

The exercise is taking place in the waters of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans, as well as the Mediterranean, Caspian and Baltic seas. It involves over 400 warships, submarines, and auxiliary fleet support vessels, 120 airplanes and helicopters of the Navy and the Aerospace Forces, about 7,000 weapon systems and military and special equipment, as well as over 90,000 troops.

The task groups of military command bodies and troops of Russia’s foreign partners have been invited to take part in the exercise.

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President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Comrades,

First, I would like to greet and express gratitude to all participants in the Ocean 2024 strategic command-and-staff exercise. Its active phase, which begins today, stipulates for training to fulfil the most complicated tasks under conditions as close to combat ones as possible.

I would like to point out that it is the first naval exercise of this scale we have held over the past 30 years. It will be held simultaneously in the Pacific and Arctic Oceans, as well as in the Mediterranean, Caspian and Baltic seas. It will involve the Navy and long-range and military transport aviation. Ships and aircraft of the People’s Liberation Army of China are also taking part in this process-oriented exercise. Representatives from 15 countries have been invited to attend as observers.

The objective of the exercise is to carry out a detailed review of the key elements dealing with the combat readiness of the Navy and Aerospace Forces command and control system and units and determine whether they can operate in a cohesive manner. The exercise will include combined use of precision weapons as well as other modern and advanced weaponry, taking into account, among other things, the experience gained during the special military operation.

We are paying special attention to strengthening cooperation with our friendly countries. This is especially important today amid rising geopolitical tension around the world.

We can see that the United States is doing everything to hold on to its global military and political dominance no matter the cost by utilising Ukraine and seeking to inflict a strategic defeat on our country. The United States and its satellites have been using the alleged Russian threat and the China containment policy as a pretext for building up their military presence along Russia’s western borders, as well as in the Arctic and in Asia-Pacific.

The United States and its allies have made no secret of their plans to deploy intermediate and shorter-range missiles in the so-called forward deployment areas. They view islands in the Western Pacific, as well as several APR countries as priority vectors for these deployments. Meanwhile, the US armed forces have already held exercises to practice the way they will transfer and deploy their future missile systems in Asia-Pacific.

The purpose of these aggressive undertakings by the United States consists of achieving a substantial edge in terms of its military capabilities, which would upend the existing security architecture in Asia-Pacific with a disruptive effect on the balance of power there. In fact, the United States is seeking to provoke an arms race, while disregarding the security interests of its European and Asian allies. This lays the groundwork for a dangerous crisis in Europe, as well as in the Asia-Pacific Region.

I would like to stress that Russia must be ready regardless of how this situation unfolds, while our Armed Forces must reliably defend Russia’s national sovereignty and interests, as well as to counter any possible military aggression no matter where it comes from, including in the ocean and at sea.

The Russian Navy must play a key role in delivering on this objective. Our sailors have always defended our Motherland’s security with courage and valour.

Today, during the special military operation, they are selflessly fighting along the line of contact by targeting the enemy with their devastating strikes, and effectively destroying military facilities and infrastructure. They have been demonstrating courage and professionalism in their efforts. And they are our true heroes.

I would like to stress that we will continue to strengthen our Navy, including its strategic nuclear component. We will develop, systematically and comprehensively, all types and branches of the armed forces, increase their strike capabilities, improve the training of ship crews, coastal and air units factoring in real combat experience, and do everything necessary to reliably protect Russia and its people and maintain strategic stability and the balance of power in the world.

I wish the participants of the exercise a successful solution to the tasks set. Good luck.

I would like to ask the Defence Minister to report on readiness.

Defence Minister Andrei Belousov: In accordance with the Armed Forces training schedule, we began the Ocean 2024 strategic command-and-staff exercise at 09:00 a.m.

The plan includes repelling large-scale aggression of a potential enemy from ocean, combating unmanned boats, unmanned aerial vehicles, defending the naval bases, and conducting amphibious operations and escorting transports, with due regard for the experience of the special military operation.

In accordance with the exercise concept, a promising form of using the Navy, an independent operation in the ocean, will be tested. Military command bodies have occupied command posts and are elaborating plans for using the fleets. The forces and troops have been deployed to designated areas and are ready for practical actions.

The head of the exercise, Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Alexander Moiseyev, will report on the progress and the procedure for conducting the exercise.

The report is over.

Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Alexander Moiseyev: Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief,

The Navy and a part of the Aerospace Forces, together with our foreign partners, have begun practicing the tasks of the strategic command-and-staff exercise.

The exercise is being held during seven days in bilateral format and in two stages, with the designation of the opposing sides: the Pacific, Baltic fleets and the Caspian flotilla have been designated as our forces, and the Northern fleet as the enemy. The exercise involves over 90,000 service personnel, over 400 ships and vessels, 125 aircraft, over 7,500 units of weapons and equipment, including from the People’s Liberation Army of China: three ships, one vessel and 15 aircraft.

Practical actions are being practised in 13 sea zones in three strategic areas.


President of Russia