Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s answer to a question from the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency about the remarks by US Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien

Question: Please comment on the remarks by US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien, who actually admitted that Washington was trying to create conditions for a rupture between Yerevan and Moscow. According to him, plenty of people in Armenia wanted to distance themselves from Russia, and the United States was preparing the ground for that. How does Moscow regard these statements, given the level of Russian-Armenian bilateral relations? Can’t these remarks qualify as a case of interference in Armenia’s internal affairs?

Maria Zakharova: We have certainly taken note of the “sincere admissions” by a high-ranking official responsible for US foreign policy. But it came as no surprise: Mr O’Brien said nothing new. He has just subscribed to what we regularly say and what we warn our partners, including Yerevan, about: The West is promoting a destructive agenda in the South Caucasus. Its aim, as before, is to fragment the region by destroying Russia’s historical ties with its traditional allies and neighbours.

In an attempt to drive a wedge between the South Caucasian republics, including Armenia, and Russia, the United States and its European satellites are shamelessly interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign states. Under benign pretexts, they are seeking to arrogate control over their public administration system and national resources, and to exploit their transit potential.

As for Mr O’Brien’s allegations that Armenia wants to turn away from Russia, these represent yet another instance of US geopolitical engineering. The Americans are out to concoct a plausible “reality” to be consumed by the international community. The only thing wrong is that it has nothing to do with what is going on in real fact. Quite recently, we saw attempts to distort the real state of affairs through sociological polls run in other countries of this region.

James O’Brien&Co should grasp one simple thing: The centuries-old ties between our countries will withstand all pressure tests that the West has tirelessly been exposing them to. Throughout our common history, we have repeatedly lent a shoulder to the fraternal Armenian people and intend to do so in the future.

Министерство иностранных дел Российской Федерации