Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks at the meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vulin, Moscow, August 14, 2024

Mr Vulin,

Dear friend,

We are glad that you have paid another visit to the Russian Federation. You have a very extensive programme, which reveals the areas of cooperation that are of priority for the government leaders of Russia and Serbia, and the interests of our nations.

We should develop our cooperation in all areas. This is particularly relevant when natural relations between the states, which are willing to work together, are under unprecedented attacks from those who seek to ideologise the world politics and subject it to the rules invented by the collective West and aimed to preserve the hegemony.

The other day you addressed the audience at the ceremony to unveil a monument to Serbs in the Patriot Park, saying that neither Russia nor Serbia will let the history be forgotten or support those who are ashamed of their legacy. Neither Serbs nor Russians have anything to be ashamed of; we fought together in the Second World War and contributed to the victory over Nazism.

Unfortunately, it is like then, almost a century ago, when Adolf Hitler subjugated almost the entire Europe, placed it under arms and decided to capture the Soviet Union under the slogan of “superhuman”. He failed. Obviously, those Western European elites that collaborated with Hitler would like to forget this shameful page of their history. Today we see how the Anglo-Saxons have once again united almost the whole of Europe in their declared goal of inflicting a “strategic defeat” on Russia on the battlefield.

To this end they have created an overtly Nazi racist Ukrainian regime, by the hands of which they are trying to achieve their goal. I think it is clear to any sober-minded person that these plans are doomed to failure. It is alarming that they are trying again to use Nazi slogans and practices to defeat their competitors, along with the fact that this Nazism, which has so far surfaced in certain EU countries, the Baltic states and partially in Poland, now begins to flourish in Germany where laws rehabilitating Nazi criminals are adopted. We all can feel it.

In your interview with RIA Novosti, you mentioned such method as colour revolutions, used by the West to suppress the dissenters. Specifically, you gave the example of October 2000, when such first clear attempt was made in Serbia, with the illegal change of power. Then the West applied the colour revolution tactics in Georgia and Ukraine, with different degrees of success. Now, something of that kind is taking place in Moldova. Quite recently another attempt to do the same was undertaken in Serbia.

We have appreciated the firmness of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and his team in opposing these attempts and defending the principles that irritate the West, which seeks to undermine President Vucic’s line to the unity of the Serbian people in every possible way. The All-Serb Assembly has shown that this is fully in the interests of Serbs in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’ policy towards Kosovo, demanding strict implementation of the UN Security Council resolution that the West disregards and seeks to destroy by indulging the Pristina regime in every way and following its lead at the expense of forgetting and belittling the legitimate interests of Serbs.

I cannot but mention that the West is trying to destroy canonical Orthodoxy. The Russian Orthodox Church and the Serbian Orthodox Church jointly with other fraternal churches are active in defending their rights and ideals common for all major world religions, which the West is trying to replace with “neoliberal values.”

The current global developments that I have tried to describe in brief from Russia’s point of view require even greater consolidation of those who stand for the principles of the UN Charter in all their entirety and interconnection, and not selectively, solely in parts necessary to the West for justifying its aggressive policy and promoting mutually advantageous cooperation.

We have many plans in our bilateral relations. Attempts are being made to interfere with them. I believe that regular contacts between our leaders, prime ministers and deputy prime ministers, including you, Mr Vulin, as well as relations between our foreign ministries and parliaments, have created and continue to consolidate the solid foundation that meets the interests of our nations.

Invitations to visit Russia have been sent to President of the National Assembly of Serbia Ana Brnabić and Foreign Minister of Serbia Marko Đurić. We will be glad to receive them here.

Welcome again.

Министерство иностранных дел Российской Федерации